Cross linking agents

Cross Linking Agents
PUREti as Cross Linking Agents
Wire enamel Cross Linking
Anti-corrosive coatings Cross Linking
Fraccing fluids Cross Linking
Emulsion paints Cross Linking
Physical properties
PUREti TNBT is the most widely used crosslinking agent for wire enamel applications in the world. This traditional technology still plays an essential role in consumer electronic industries as long as motors keep serving. New technology may be introduced to this industry and PUREti titanates will still offer unique performance for new challenges.
Not too many formulators can properly use PUREti titanates for coating applications, however, the superior passivating performance by using PUREti titanates torches the pathway to industries getting rid of toxic corrosion inhibitors, such as Cr(VI) or Cr(III) compounds completely. The baking process applied for fastener coatings will create the hybrid titanium rich micro-segregations evenly spread on the coating surface, and the Ti-O bonding strength is far stronger than any organic bond, which makes 1,000 hours SST (salt spray test) possible.
Not only for well-known zinc rich primer or sealer coatings, industrial applicators successfully apply PUREti titanates on coils for temporary protection. The water based thin coating layer provides steel manufacturers conducting long haul shipment without worry about corrosion on the way.
Booming shale gas development changes the energy market. Following up the latest hydraulic fracturing technology, PUREti zirconates play the key role in fraccing fluids sustaining the deep drilling temperature underground. Among the applicable chemicals for drilling purpose, PUREti zirconates are proven to be environmental friendly ones with superior performance.
PUREti titanates share the same importance of the application as PUREti zirconates in off-shore drilling technology.
Instead of all the industrial applications, PUREti titanates are also suitable for consumer market, such as decorative paints. The thixotropic property of PUREti TX ranges provides unique gelling strength of the emulsion paints, therefore, everyone can re-paint his or her house easily with superior covering power. The ideal brushing experience contributed by PUREti TX ranges makes it possible keeping smooth levelling during painting without sagging or splashing. Such extreme non-Newtonian flow of the paint is probably all D-I-Yers looking for, which exclusively offered by PUREti TX ranges. Even more, PUREti TX400 is a non-VOC version among the whole ranges.
Product Appearance Chemistry Ti Content % Density g/ml Flash Point °C Melting/Pour Point °C
PUREti TIPT Colorless or pale yellow liquid Tetra isopropyl titanate 16.8 0.96 41 Approx. 17.5
PUREti TNBT Pale yellow liquid Tetra n-butyl titanate 14.0 0.995 47 -40
PUREti TEHT Yellow liquid Tetra 2-ethylhexyl titanate 8.5 0.935 >63 -49
PUREti TET Yellow liquid Tetra ethyl titanate 20.1 1.085 30 -40
PUREti PBT Yellow liquid Poly butyl titanate 20.4 1.12 45 -25
PUREti TEAT Yellow liquid Triethanolamine titanate 8.1 1.06 12 -47
PUREti TX100 Yellow liquid Alkanolamine titanate complex 6.9 1.20 >71 -30
PUREti TX200 Yellow liquid - 7.1 1.22 >71 -30
PUREti TX300 Yellow liquid - 7.1 1.24 >71 -30
PUREti TX400 Yellow liquid - 3.3 1.17 >71 -30
PUREti PN Yellow liquid Ammonium zirconium lactate acetate 9.9 1.23 100 <10
PUREti AL Yellow liquid Ammonium titanium lactate 8.2 1.20 >70 <10
PUREti NPZ Yellow brown liquid Tetra n-propyl zirconate 20.5 1.065 23 -70
PUREti ZEA Yellow liquid Triethanolamine zirconate 13.2 1.34 106 <10